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Gaming Friendly Environment

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Gaming Friendly Environment

Hey, me and my boyfriend are gamers and since I have Aspergers I want to reach out more and make more friends.
Anyway I am a Console and a PC gamer, and me and my boyfriend even play handhelds together. I wanted to see if this site was good for socializing so I decided to give it a try. The point is that a lot of people who game tend to be ragers and only socialize with people they know and are not always as open to meeting new people. I wanted to see if I could build up a small community of gamers who are friendly, nice and just want to game and have fun.

Some other interesting ideas I had was that I would like to see if people could share interesting games they have played or recommend games and just make a nice environment. IF we feel comfortable we can even exchange gamertags, psns, steams or whatever and make it a more serious gaming community. I would like it to be open to casual, hardcore, and average gamer and I would hope that it would be a fun and encouraging environment. I just play so many games alone and it wouldn't hurt to take a hobby so many people enjoy and make a nice community out of it.

If anyone is open to this idea please reply and tell me what you think. I just feel people are too mean out there and we need to just have fun together. gaming is a great way to meet new people and just have fun.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`By the way I am new to league of legends and I know a lot of people just are far to competitive. Gaming is fun and very competitive, but flaming people is not cool with me. So someone who plays LoL and would like to play with some newbies that would also be pretty cool as well.

I love Indie games as well and am low on money so any recommendations of good cheap or free PC games is also great because I am an open minded gamer and would honestly play anything if I see fit.

Anyway I hope some people post! See ya

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